I came thru dis nice lines n thought of posting it.........it wud sound a bit philosophical...........but d things which we dont understand, name it as philosophy........but reading it , its true....fact........
The good u find in others is in u too. The faults u find in others: r ur faults as well. Aftr all, to recognise sumthin u must knw it. The possibilities u see others r possible 4 u as well. The beauty u see around u, is ur beauty. The world around u is a REFLECTION, a mirror showing u the person u r. What u see in others shows u to urself. See the best in others, and u will b ur best. Give 2 others, and u give to urself Show ur best face to the mirror, and u'll be happy with the face looking back at you.
Though m not legally crowned as a doc yet......will b in few days time......,but being an intern m on d last step 2 call a DOC.....d two letters Dr. prefixed 2 my name has changed my world......d way society looks up to u......m ready 4 d responsibility.......but sumwer d anxiety is crawling inside me........well keeping my emotions aside......its really tough 2 treat if d pt. is a family member......firing of questions as if frm a cannon.....which sumtimes like a loud explosion causes temporary deafness......i knw dey hve faith in me n bein a close 1 dey expect gud frm me......well....thru d experience i can tell tht bein a doc is an honorable.....eyes brighten up wen i say m doc......presuming tht m an allopath......but d moment i say m a homeopath......d brighten eyes bcoms dull along wid open mouth as if saying OOH! OK..OK......i dont knw even wid so much awareness of homeopathy why ppl dont recognize d pathy n most above WHY A HOMEOPATH IS NOT CONSIDERED AS A DOC???????........its my personal experience........pts. ask questions oh!do u knw how 2 read n X-Ray or C.T.scan?.....my inside is ready 2 explode like a volcano....but cudnt express.........THINK HOMEOPATHS HVE MOST SUPPRESSED EMOTIONS!!!!!its just not pt. but even near n dear ones....frnds.......even we spend yrs studying......gaining knwledge.......hard work.......WID SAME MOTTO OF TREATING PATIENTS.....den why d discrimination??? (no offense towards allopathy).......i blive every pathy has its own scope n limitations....n its true.........IT REALLY HURTS SUMTIMES A LOT......even being a doctor.... not being considered as 1.........SOUNDING AS A WOUNDED HEART....... I would try tht D HARDSHIP OF DR.HAHNEMANN......HIS FOLLOWERS.......MY TEACHERS (my inspiration).......MY HARD WORK (which i guess i did)......faith of homeopathic believers.........don't go in vain........
Was totally disoriented wid time n date 4 most of d days, n wen vision travelled thru d watch n calendar, OH MY GOD!, its almost end of d first mnth of dis yr………..is actually d hands of clock running fast???……….or m d 1 who has lost d pace??...........was almost drowned in books n information on net 4 my thesis……….compiling d info n latest research was tiring…………but no regrets………I loved diving in d info…………….n m almost done wid it…………just few touch ups 4 making it perfect………..its absolutely true………ders still so much 2 learn………..symptoms, signs, investigations, examination have bcum part of life………..but 4 diagnosing a case hve 2 sumtimes crack d brain like eggshell wich req cracking 2 discover new things in it……….i wish had sum neurons frm dr.house ………..researchers says we use only 10% of our brain……………sumtimes I doubt whether my brain is working 10% or even less??? :)………….its d awkward humour n sarcastic behavior thts ruling me now……..as my internship is ending………….due 2 d question WHAT NXT???????............keeping it aside…….as it was wed……..peads opd…………eyes n ears wer ready 2 listen……..but d cloud of embarrassment of not knwing simple n imp facts was more powerful n dark……….i doubt abt disaster in 2012…………..but m sure of me, m nvr gonna remember pediatrics……..has bcum nightmare 4 me…….i try hard 2 study it……….but nvr get thru it………m on d verge of acquiring hypoNa+/K+S/S………….sluggish behavior……..weakness……….disorientation……….m not scared if I suffer frm cardiac arrhythmia…..atleast it wud b a faster pace………….rght now m diagnosed wid“AFUNJOYEMIA”…………..severe deficiency of fun n njoyment………….Rx ……………A VACATION………….desperately need 1
hmm.......year in which i will come out frm d cocoon (med student) 2 breathe in d med world as a doc.........just few days 4 d Hippocratic oath.........eagerly waiting 4 tht moment............ adrenaline is surging..........i knw d yr is filled wid new challenges n hardship..............WELL! d yr started by wishing happy new year n happy b'day 2 my best buddy........had good time by having lunch 2gether.......surprised her by gifting her best book P.S.I LOVE U.........also working hard 4 my thesis.....want it 2 b good n informative......its kind of collecting data n latest research.........m glad 2 do it.......n surprised 2 find sum interesting facts.........njoyed watching 3 IDIOTS once again.......almost 2 finish book paths of glory.......finally bcame TWITTER'ER 2DAY......its d best......hey! new house m.d. season has started........love him........dancing 2 d tunes of my name is khan..........
a thought 2 all those who lost der children dis yr.............kids commiting suicide.............14 suicides in a wk.........wer r we xactly progressing...........no 1 in population...........n now in suicides.........no blaming game by saying whos responsible 4 dis????????its d greatest irony..............wen a kid couldn't speak or have just started 2...........his ill-logical words r understood by every1............but wen d same grown up kid speaks fluently............his logical words r not understood by ne1 :(
Thnks 2 Chetan Bhagat, if it hadn’t been his “FIVE POINT SOME1….”, der wudnt b “3 IDIOTS”
Every scene in d movie gives some moral, introduction 2 reality, which leaves a permanent good-will stamp on every1’s heart……………….Movie begins wid d song giving d glimpses of AAMIR KHAN’S character (RANCHO/PHUNKSHU VANGDU) “BEHTI HAWA SA THA WOH …………..UDTI PATANG SA THA WOH………KAHAN GAYA USSE DHOONDO………………HUM KO TOH RAAHEIN THI CHALATI…………….WOH KHUD APNI RAAHA BANATA……..GIRTA SAMBHALTA MASTI MEIN CHALTA THA WOH……………….HUM KO KAL KI FIKAR SATAATI…………..WOH BUS AAJ KA JASHN MANATA…………….HAR LAMHE KO KHUL KE JEETA THA WHO………………..KAHAN SE AAYA THA WOH…………..CHOO KE HUMARE DIL KO…………..KAHAN GAYA USSE DHOONDO”…………. best lines: kaam ko apna passion banao, gain excellence in ur work, success will follow u………….well-trained not well-educated…………….FARHANITE……………PRERAJULISATION…………….but how many PHUNKSHU VANGDU r living in dis world????????
(Sharman Joshi) Raju Rastogi…………”DO KADAM KA YEH SAFAR HAI, UMR CHOTISI DAGAR HAI, EK KADAM MEIN LADKHADAYA KYUN”?????????............Expectations from a child 2 fulfill his family’s desires n dreams…………hardships n difficulties of common man’s life in dis country………………who has 2 count penny spend of each meal in a day………….wondering wud he get his nxt meal?????????
(R.Madhavan) Farhan Qureshi……………..”SAARI UMR HUM MAR-MAR KE JEE LIYE, EK PAL TO AB HAMEIN JEENE DO, JEENE DO”…………..killing his ambition………………struggling2 achieve parents dreams………………PEER PRESSURE……………LIBERTY 2 EVERY CHILD 2 CHOOSE HIS AMBITION…………….wat he wants 2 b…………….is dis possible in our country wer we r engulfed by D POWER OF MONEY???????………….jiske pass money…………..usika sab kuch, honey……………..
India ranks highest in suicide by students( or call it murder as said by RANCHO) ……………..even now der must b many hearts crying………………..”Give me some sunshine, Give me some rain, Give me another chance I WANNA GROW UP ONCE AGAIN…………………….”
(Kareena Kapoor) Pia: beautiful, loving……………reflected d excellence of her work
(Boman Irani) VIRUS……………”Life is a race”…………….liked his best lines in d movie at d end……………”Space mein zero gravity hone ke wajahse, pencil ki broken point kisike ke aankh mein jaa sakti hai, kaan mein jaa sakti hai, tum har bar sahi nahi ho sakte”…………..
We like 2 make simple things complicated…………….as we think by knowing complicated ones we ll b grt………scene wer simple meaning of a machine is accepted over d complicated 1
Best hilarious scene (no movie can beat it)……………Chaturs speech in hindi…………..रटने से कुछ नहीं होता..........चीजो को सम्झना ज़रूरी HAI
Loved d relation btwn 3 idiots, d book n movie enlightened d most precious relationship of dis world “FRIENDSHIP”………………”JAANE NAHI DENGE TUJHE…………JAANE TUJHE DENGE NAHI……………CHAHE TUJHKO RAB BULAA LE…………..HUM NAA RAB SE DARNE WAALE……………...RAHO ME DAT KE KHADE HAI HUM…………..YAARO SE NAZREIN CHURALE…………..CHAHE JITNA DUM LAGA LE………….JAANE NAA TUJKO AISE DENGE HUM………………”
Zoobi doobi……….millimeter………..virus…………..chamatkar………….balatkar…………”Jahan Panah aap grt ho, Tohfa Kabul ki jiye”………….Chatur's hindi.........bribe 2 God…………….vacuum delivery……………phunkshu vangdu…………….dil pe haath rakhe kaho…………AAL IZZ WELL…………………..:)