Friday, June 16, 2023

Embracing Solitude

 In solitude she dances, graceful and free,

A girl who's alone, yet blissful is she.

With radiant smile, her spirit takes flight,

Embracing the beauty of her own inner light.

Her laughter echoes through the silent air,

No company needed, she's content to bear.

With every step she takes, a world unfolds,

In her solitary realm, she finds treasures untold.

Her heart, a sanctuary of tranquil peace,

She weaves her dreams like a tapestry release.

For in her solitude, she's never truly alone,

For nature's symphony and her soul are as one.

In her own company, she discovers her worth,

Embracing solitude's gifts, she finds rebirth.

Alone, yet happy, she dances with delight,

A girl who has found solace in her own beautiful sight.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Echoes of absence


Echoes of absence, 
sorrow's cruel art, 
aching voids remind me of your depart.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Solitude's Embrace

In solitude's embrace,
I find my inner peace,
where my soul dances freely,
and worries find release.