I remembered d glimpses of my past 5 yrs, frm my first step in medical world to D final 2 b a Doc..b4 new yr
First lecture, got introduced 2 human anatomy (thanks 2 our creator)………shook hands wid d anatomy of upper extremity………….origin n insertion of ms…………..(agonist n antagonist 4 1 simple movement)….nerve n blood supply (often new anatomy got created during exams by interchanging d supply :D )
d mechanisms,currents,potentials,Na-k pump,composition,filtration..............in Physiology…………Tsunami 4 every1’s psychology.
Pharmacy………..definitions,succussion,trituration…………only subject tht never needed revision.
Matera medica…………ocean of symptoms in a single drug……………always ended 2 mug (dem up)
Organon of medicine…………d mission of physician (my 2nd nightmare {1st:MATHS})……….had 1 Q why this philosophy in dis 21st century???????
Time 4 afternoon practicals………….2 gain more knowledge 4 d clinicals…………..Tachycardia b4 1st Anat.pracs………………will I b able 2 cope…………..or suffer frm a syncope????????Did not faint……….no complaint……..pulled on d gloves………….started dissection…………….wid forceps in 1 hand n scalpel in other……..will b d best experience 4ever…………….Heart on my palm…………..wondered how did d creator made it wid full charm???????
Blood trickled in physio lab………..2 know owns RBC,WBC,Hb,BLOOD GRP………….test tubes, flask………..1 big task……………2 solve d body s mystery………………in lab of bio-chemistry
Freshers party,college fest wk 4 evry cmpite………………njoyed it as a big treat of life
Bunking lecture……….. EXAMS- A LEGAL TORTURE……………on which rested our future………..Q by frnds …………कितना पढके हुआ????nvr telling demselves मेरा toh sab कुछ hua……………..finally time 4 pariksha………..hoped it doesn’t turn into a shiksha……………..sleepless nights……………….n 3hrs of paper 2 write……………over dosage of stimulant ………..4 concentration 2 b constant……………….VIVA: firing Qs by professor…………..memory fading as if by an eraser
Cardiac output increased……………..wen d result date released…………..judgement day………..my pulse was in sway………….adrenaline surged up …………….was ready 4 my 2nd step up
2nd yr was not easy……………pathology kept me busy……………..Forensic:suicide,homicide,embalming,drowning………………….autopsy 4 proving……………sections,IPC…………..not a flaw………………since d entry of consumer protection law………….time 4 clinicals………………history taking,note making………….examining d patients…………required lots of patience……………..thorough analysis………..2 arrive at correct diagnosis
Third yr: with vast obs,gynaec,ortho,surgery…………..wer not d subj 2 study in a hurry……………hearing d vital 1st cry of a newborn…….. 2 start a life(not less than a miracle)…………… brings happiness in others life
Finally, d final yr…………….my fav Medicine……………(njoyed)buried in Davidson, Harrison's principles of int. medicine……………..remembering Paediatrics………. pls give me sum tricks.
Grown as an intern…………..application of 4 yrs of hardship was d turn…………IV,RT,CATHETER,injection.........procedures 2 do wid perfection.........I&D,suturing,cleaning,dressing...........not an easy thing.............DM,HTN..........common thriller..............both silent killer...........wid TB pts hospitals spilling............still no stop 4 spitting.........heparin,lignocaine,streptokinase,NS,D5..........widout dem no 1 can survive.............CVA,MI,SVT,VT............commonest entity.............earlier learned case taking, examining……..now its d time 4 prescribing………….reciting symptoms of materia……….2 arrive at d nearest similia…………understood d need of (Organon)-philosophy………….even in dis 21st century………..teachings of my teachers along dis path………..taught me 2 b a good observer and a